For me. I was "Out On The Weekend", but unlike the Neil Young song, I was not a lonely boy. I was busy with the family, as the season should be. I even found time to go out to a club!
I had Adi's wife and my friend sing in place of me on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday nights over CNY. Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Tonight, Adi and I opened our first set with "The Nearness Of You". Then we performed "Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin" (moon represents my heart) which I think improves each time I do it. Everyone seemed to enjoy "Fly Me To The Moon" as well.
My voice seemed more confident and brighter. Perhaps it was the rest I so badly needed. Tonight our regulars were there and one of them gave me a hongbao, or a red packet with money inside, mostly for good luck and prosperity. How sweet!
I had nice hair and makeup on since I came from a long day of filming as Helen. Not the longest I have experienced though. Today was to begin at 9:30am but the office was only opened at 10am. I claimed I didn't receive the script in my email so learnt my dialogue all on the spot (I later found out the script was indeed sent to me, a little after 2am that very day). I was to end about 4pm but due to so many prop (un) preparations, my last scene wrapped at 6pm. That left me just enough time to get to HIA.
