And I was right. Confidence pays off. When I am confident, I trust myself and others, and relax! I always said that when you enjoy the moment sincerely, others will too. Tonight was a lovely night with fantastic guests. Adi and I did songs we never even mentioned before. That was part of the fun. :-)
Our first request of the night came from a couple who visited us last night. By us, I mean the entire Lobby Lounge. We work together but our origins are in Vietnam, China, Philippines, Burma... and Singapore! The elegant waitresses tell me this couple visits very regularly. They enjoyed our delivery of "Smile" so they wanted to hear it again tonight. Your wish is our command, gladly!
Our first set was positive. I suggested a song which I butchered last night, because I know it had been spectacular before. Also, I had to make peace with it. It worked out perfectly this time! Then we did "I Will Survive" which had me slightly nervous for a split second because the last time I performed it was almost a year ago (though I have sung it in jest, not for work). It was met with toe-tapping, dance-walking, sing-alongs and smiles. Just as they were leaving, our regular couple told us, "Smile and I Will Survive!"
For the next 2 sets, we also had fun with "Straighten Up and Fly Right" and "I'm Beginning To See The Light". A lot of upbeat melodies tonight. We also partied "Under The Boardwalk" which starts almost the same way as "Save The Last Dance For Me". So much so I couldn't help myself but deliberately mingle the two at the start of the latter. Both songs were hits for the Drifters in the 60's. Speaking of drifting, we delivered "Route 66" to inspire our travellers to get their kicks on the legendary highway.
Of course we did a few numbers for the romantics: "Close to You" and "The Nearness of You", which now I realise sound so alike in title. Isn't that what really matters? Being with, near, next to, your loved one? Another song we never did together was "Leaving On A Jet Plane", dedicated to those flying off tomorrow, especially the Australian couple with whom I've had insightful chats with. John Denver gave me the blues with it. Adi and I made it bluesy for the lounge. Pity I didn't take pictures with them. I shall miss them.
We had a satisfying dinner too at the buffet on the 4th floor. One reason why I love working for hotels: food and drinks are always provided! But I am hungry again. Ok, off to supper. I feel like I sang for it. :-)
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